Ear Infection and COVID-19 - Verywell Health
COVID-19 and ear infections cause similar symptoms, such as headaches and fevers. However, each condition also has its unique symptoms. Ear infections themselves are not a common symptom of COVID-19. If you're noticing changes in your health and unsure if you have an ear infection or COVID-19, consult your healthcare provider to get an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. Verywell / Jessica Olah Symptoms An ear infection can occur in both adults and children, and it's usually one of the most common reasons why your child might need to see a healthcare provider. Ear infections are generally the result of a bacterial or viral infection in the middle ear, with fluid building up in the space behind your eardrum. COVID-19 is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. It isn't exclusively a respiratory illness, but the majority of its common symptoms are respiratory. Overlapping Symptoms Both COVID-19 and an ear infection c...