Causes of a Bulging Eardrum and Treatment Options - Verywell Health
A bulging eardrum is an inflamed tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane, also called the eardrum, is a thin flap of skin in the ear over the ear canal. When sound enters the ear, the eardrum vibrates. This vibration moves the tiny bones in the middle ear, sending sounds into the inner ear. A bulging eardrum can be caused by many different things, such as an ear infection. It can affect hearing because it impairs the eardrum's ability to vibrate and transmit sound. When the eardrum is inflamed, it can cause a person to experience fullness in their ear, ear pain, and pressure. Ian Hooton/Science Photo Library/Getty Images Symptoms Symptoms that may occur along with a bulging eardrum include: Pain in the affected ear or ears Fullness in the ear caused by trapped fluid behind the eardrum Temporary hearing loss Fever In children who have a bulging eardrum and are pulling their ears, they may be unable to sleep and irritable. ...