Is CMV a Herpes Virus? - Healthline
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a type of herpes virus that's extremely common worldwide. In the United States alone, it's estimated that between 50 and 80 percent of people have a CMV-related infection by age 40, and 1 in 3 children experience these infections by age 5. Due to such a high prevalence, you may be wondering about the potential dangers and risks associated with CMV. Read on to learn more about this virus, as well as the similarities and differences between other herpes viruses. CMV is a highly contagious virus that's spread through body fluids, such as saliva, blood, and urine. The virus is rarely spread through blood and organ donations, due to modern preventive and treatment measures. It may be CMV is a common virus that's related to the same viruses that lead to mononucleosis and chickenpox. Most people will encounter CMV during their lifetimes, but the majority will experience mild symptoms only. However, CMV can cause more severe infections if you have a w...