Ear Tubes Are Overused in Children - Newsmax

Otitis media is a disease of the middle ear that involves an inflammation of the ear’s lining.

Many parents are familiar with otitis media, as the condition is frequently diagnosed in childhood (an ear infection). It can occur acutely or develop into a chronic condition, and there are many different bacteria associated with otitis media.

When children have repeated episodes of otitis media, doctors will often recommend implantation of tympanostomy tubes — cylinders that are surgically inserted into the eardrum to provide ventilation and prevent buildup of fluids.

Biofilms — conglomerations of microorganisms that are a major cause of infections — have been shown to occur in the inner surface of tympanostomy tubes.

Researchers have observed biofilm formation on every tympanostomy tube inserted into the ear of guinea pigs.

To put it bluntly, tympanostomy tubes are overused. Doctors are much too quick to recommend surgical implantation of a tube instead of searching for the underlying cause of the otitis media, such as food allergies.

I have treated many children over the years, but I have sent very few for tympanostomy tubes.



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