Suffering from sinusitis? Try these effective home remedies to relieve pain, congestion - Times Now

Suffering from sinusitis? Try these effective home remedies to relieve pain, congestion

Suffering from sinusitis? Try these effective home remedies to relieve pain, congestion  | &nbspPhoto Credit:&nbspiStock Images

Key Highlights

  • Sinusitis is a condition which affects the nasal passages
  • It causes inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
  • Let's check out some natural remedies to cure sinusitis

New Delhi: Sinusitis is of two types. It can either be acute or chronic. Chronic sinusitis requires antibiotics while acute sinusitis can be treated at home as well. It is a sinus infection which can be caused due to dust, allergies, chemicals or irritants. It occurs when your nasal passage becomes inflamed and infected. Sinusitis is not a contagious health condition. Some common signs and symptoms of sinusitis include headache, facial tenderness, fever, pain in the sinus, ears and teeth, facial swelling, sore throat, cough and nasal stuffiness. It can be diagnosed only through physical examination. If you are facing any of the above symptoms, you must see a doctor as soon as you can to avoid worsening your condition.

There are many home remedies for sinus that provide instant relief. You must firstly avoid indulging into habits that trigger your sinus. Change your eating and drinking habits to ease your sinusitis. Fried food, rice and string spices trigger sinus symptoms. You must stay away from chocolate, sugar and dairy products to avoid a sinus infection. The intake of cold drinks can create problems in your sinus. If you want to build a strong defence against your sinus infection, you must consume vitamin A in large quantities. You can also follow certain steps at home to treat your sinus.

5 natural remedies to relieve sinusitis

  1. Drink lots of water- Staying hydrated and drinking lots of fluids prevents you from dehydration. You must consume as many liquids as you can to treat your sinus. The fluids thin out the mucus and also bring relief to your nasal passage.
  2. Take steam- Steam helps in clearing a blocked nasal passage. Boil some water, use a towel and add some mint in the boiled water for better relief. It gives you relief from all the pain and irritation caused by your sinus.
  3. Drink soup- Soup eases congestion. You can choose to cook your soup as you like it, according to your taste and preference. The steam in the soup and healthy ingredients help in clearing your sinuses.
  4. Flush your nasal passage- This process is also known as nasal irrigation. In this process, you need to flush out your nasal passage very gently with a saline solution. It flushes away all the bacteria and virus infections. This process provides relief from congestion.
  5. Use apple cider vinegar- Apple cider vinegar provides many health benefits and getting rid of sinusitis is definitely one of them. It relieves your sinus pressure and makes it less painful. You can drink it with warm water or tea.


Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.


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